Zuletzt bearbeitet 31.03.2015 11.00

Zuletzt bearbeitet 17.04.2015 22.01





Wykład prof. Zygmunta Baumana

w Klubie Republikanów

Fotoreportaż: Jadwiga Hafner

 Zygmunt BAUMAN is regarded as one of the most influential, critical theoretists of the present, discussing issues such as "Modernity and the Holocaust" (1989) or "Liquid Modernity" (2000). Born in Poland in 1925, he was forced into exile twice: In 1939 he fled the advancing German troops to the Soviet Union and in 1968 he left Poland due to the anti-semitic campaign of that time. In 1971 he accepted a chair at the University of Leeds, where he wrote most of his books.  Two days after giving the "Patočka Memorial Lecture" in Wien Museum on "Diasporic Terrorism", we are glad to host a debate with Zygmunt Bauman at Republikanischer Club.

 Moderator: Thomas WALLERBERGER (RC)

Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 6:00pm, Wien Museum Atrium, Patočka Memorial Lecture: Zygmunt Bauman on "Diasporic Terrorism”, Further details: http://www.iwm.at/events/event/diasporic-terrorism/


Zuletzt bearbeitet 10.10.2013 13.50